So I've had Magnolia drops saved in my wish list ever so long. I check my wish list every day, even a couple of times a day to see if anything went on sale. Yesterday I was excited to find that the Magnolia earrings were discounted from $248 to $129.95. I click on the picture in anticipation of a happy purchase, and what do I find? The earrings are sold out. Only the night before the earring were full price. Why in the world would Anthropologie show an item as being on sale if they don't have it in stock? So I called customer service to see if maybe the earrings can be located in any of the stores. They could not. The rep told me that the last pare was sold back in October. Now why the heck did they go on sale yesterday if the last pair was sold in October? I'd really like to figure this one out.

Another thing that puzzles me is the departure of free shipping for Anthro members. What happened to that? Since sizing can be an issue, buying clothes over the Internet is always a gamble. That's why free shipping was the winning point of having an Anthro card. Bring it back!
And last but not least.....
Why don't Anthropologie stores have a bathroom? If an average customer stays in the store for 40 minutes (more like 1 hour and 40 minutes in my estimate), you'd think they might need to use the ladies room at some point during that time. Instead I always have to run across the street to Gap. One does wonder if Anthropologie was accommodating enough to have a toilet, what would it look like?
Yeah...I hear you! I just posted on my blog about some shoes I bought and the color on the web is a TOTALLY different color than real life. I've been noticing that a lot lately, they seem to be doing a poor job of color correction on their web product shots. Check out my blog to see picks of the "real" color of the Absinthe heels.
Wow, that is a very significant difference in color. I see why you're disappointed. I find the website pictures in general are lighter than the actual products.
Thanks for sharing...
1. Our store has a bathroom that we let customers use. All they have to do is ask.
2. Apparently a survey was done and the average Anthro customer was not interested in free shipping. That is what Home Office told us was the reason they stopped it. I thought free shipping was a nice thing to offer too (even if I couldn't use it). Write the anthro customer service department and tell them you want it back!
Average customer not interested in free shipping? I really find that hard to believe. I understand that even though the target customer Anthropologie likes to have are those with an average family income of 100K to 200K, I can't see why anyone would have a problem with free shipping. Writing to the customer service department for sure!
Aargh! No more free shipping?!? That for sure will be stopping me from making alot of purchases. With shoes you have ot buy online. I wear a larger size in tops and bottoms so I have to buy online for those, as XL and 14 are usually not carried in the store in my town. This is sad. I spent more at Anthro these past fewm onths than at any time because of the freeshipping.
I just received an Anthropologie email entitled "Some motherly advice."... free shipping on all purchases over $150, enter promo code FORMOM at checkout, offer valid until May 9th.
By the way, it's almost sacrilegious, but I found these little "paper origami boxes" on Etsy the other day ... they are made out of the pages of old Anthropologie catalogs. ((gasp!)) I don't usually post links in comments, but I had to share....
I like how the Anthropologie employee said that they removed the Free Shipping b/c the average customer was not interested in it...let's think about it, you offer free shipping and customers don't use it...jee, that doesn't cost Anthropologie anything! Bring it back Anthropologie!
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