The January catalog is just gorgeous! It's been photographed in some alternate dimension, where joyously frolicking ladies wear sleeveless blouses and dresses in JANUARY. Not exactly my reality, but poetic and delightful nonetheless.

Around The World Dress
and Shoofly Trench

Tic Tac Toe Blouse

Floating Forthythia Dress

Sun Dot Dress

Speckled Ink Dress

Beanstalk Dress

On A Wing Blouse

Hi there. I love your blog! I too am a fellow Anthropologie lover. I have a quandry and was wondering if you could help. I have a favorite Anthropologie catalog that is now missing. There was one photo in particular that I was going to use as an inspiration for a painting. I thought that you too may save all of your catalogs. I know this is so random, but if you do keep yours please email me. Thanks so so much!!
What year and month catalog are you looking for?
hi!! I love anthropologie too and my name is sophie :)
love your blog
check mine out if you have a chance
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