The good news - after a few months break, my catalogs began arriving in the mail again. Did you notice that the catalogs stopped printing the month on it? Instead they call them Anthropologie issue 2011. As if these are not mere clothing catalogs but some pretentious periodicals. After a whole bunch of these, how am I to keep them organized in the right sequence?
Our September heroine is back in some Romanian village, where she's clearly out of place, too overdressed for her surroundings and five inches taller than the locals. Is she in a witness protection program? If so, it's not a very good disguise. She also has a clone-looking friend (sister?) who shows up in some of the photos. Together, they both have the appearance of being genetically engineered, advanced human specimens.

The village is a common theme in Anthropologie catalogs. In it, a sort of Bohemian fairy, whose beauty and magic lies in her Anthropologie wardrobe, is surrounded by admiring gnomes.

Just the right thing for rolling in a haystack.

Not very sensible shoes to wear around horse manure.

Embroidered Woodruff Boots - $798
(Not too shabby for a Romanian village girl)

Only Anthropologie can get away with missmatching a room this badly
and still making - us think it's divine. If I decorated my home this way,
most of my guests would assume I picked up my furniture off the curb.

Tattered Lace Dinner Plate, Bowl - Have to have these!

Remember our lovely village girl? Apparently she got out
and is on her way to find people her own size.

By the way, in case you doubted me, all sarcasm aside,
I love the styling of the September catalog.
Oh my gosh why haven't I gotten this yet?? I'm so excited for it now, my family is from Romania and we visited many of its small villages a few years ago!
I am LOL at the idea of that model in the Witness Protection Program. Adds a whole new dimension to the shots. ;) Can't wait to try on the Agnita Dress.
I like your article. I know this village -Agnite.
Just one example of the very big difference between these two worlds: Anthropologie boots: $798. Child benefit for locals in Agnite: $12 (a month).
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