You'd think, nothing can shake a relationship that has lasted this long. Well, I didn't think so either. Then, something strange happened. One month past after another without any Anthropologie catalogs arriving at my door. At first, I thought it was a fluke. Maybe one got lost in the mail. Maybe, the neighbor's son decided that Anthropologie catalogs are much more exciting than playboy and snatched a few. However, after three catalog-less months, I started to worry. I called Anthropologie and asked them why my catalogs stopped coming. They didn't know, but promised to send them out to me. I waited patiently. Nothing. I called again. The friendly customer service rep promised me they will surely add me to the mailing list...for the third time. She even promised to send me the back catalogs that I was missing. It's been a few weeks. Guess if anything came in the mail? I'm starting to wonder if it's a conspiracy. Either Anthropologie really doesn't want me to have those darn catalogs or the mail man is keeping them for himself. Either scenario is pretty disturbing. Are any of you Anthro customers also missing your catalogs?

whaaaaat? that's unacceptable! I've always had trouble getting on the mailing list and now I have stopped receiving them too. But I imagine that's because I live in Quebec and they aren't 'allowed' to send me english only catalogues or some such ridiculousness...
I also have not been receiving the catalogs. While I enjoy skimming thru them, I browse the website so often I have usually already seen every image from the catalog before It shows up in a pile at the registers.
I'm starting to think that they stopped sending them out to the most faithful because they assume we are coming back for more anyway. There is hardly an item in my closet that is not from Anthro.
Have you checked with your husband? Maybe he's been confiscating your catalogs :)
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